Ethical hacking guide A-Z
The most comprehensive entry guide to ethical hacking out there .
What you'll learn
Your Instructor
David Bombal, together with some of the best minds in the industry is offering courses on a wide range of topics including networking, programming and software development. Our team has decades of experience teaching students from all over the world.
Together we can do more!
David Bombal (CCIE #11023 Emeritus) passed his Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Routing and Switching exam in January 2003 and is one of a small percentage of Cisco Engineers that pass their CCIE labs on their first attempt.
David qualified as a Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI #22787) many years ago! He has been training Cisco courses for over 15 years and has delivered instructor led courses in various countries around the world covering a wide range of Cisco topics from CCNA to CCIE.
He has also personally developed Cisco engineer utilities such as the VPN Config Generator, software, training materials, EBooks, videos and other products which are used throughout the world.
David has designed, implemented and managed networks ranging from single sites to those that span 50 countries.

I am the XSS Rat, an experienced ethical hacker who stands for quality and who believes knowledge is a building block we can all use to grow bigger than we ever were.
As a software test i have a unique skill set that centers around logic flaws and IDORs which i have not seen very much by other hunters.
This gives me the advantage of finding less duplicates and maximizing my chance of finding a vulnerability by picking the correct target and applying the correct test strategy.
Course Curriculum
StartIntro Video (7:18)
StartWhat is "Ethical" hacking"?
StartHow to engage a target?
StartHow to engage a target? (3:53)
Start@Ch1R0n1n: What it means to be an Ethical Hacker.pdf
Start@Ch1R0n1n: What it means to be an Ethical Hacker.pptx
Start@Ch1R0n1n: What is an Ethical Hacker? (13:28)
StartQUIZ: How ethical are you?
StartAssignment: Describe the deliverables of a pentest in your own words
StartAssignment: Let's fuzz
StartWeb fundamentals Video (7:30)
StartWeb fundamentals
StartAssignment: Web
StartTransferring files (3:08)
StartDownloading files
StartFundamentals - Fuzzing.mp4 (2:49)
StartAssignment: Let's fuzz
StartNetworking fundamentals
StartAssignment: Networking
StartQuiz: 00x02 Fundamentals
StartRealistic assignment: Fuzz our pentesting assignment
StartSOLUTION: Realistic assignment: Fuzz our pentesting assignment
StartLinux CLI (2:33)
StartNetcat (5:08)
StartNetcat In depth Article
StartOWASP Zap Is Awesome_ First Impressions.mp4 (14:42)
Start00x03 OWASP ZAP
StartAssignment: Using OWASP ZAP
StartQuiz: 00x03 tools
Start00x03 Active recon
StartDNS in depth
StartDNS (7:11)
StartQuiz:00x03 DNS
StartAssignment: 00x03 DNS
StartGetting a foothold (3:47)
Start@Ch1R0n1n: Directory Busting Walkthrough.mp4 (17:38)
Start@Ch1R0n1n: Directory Busting.ppt
Start@TheXSSRat: Directory_brute_forcing.pdf
Start@Ch1R0n1n: Working with Exploits.mp4 (12:18)
Start@Ch1R0n1n: Working with Exploits.ppt
StartSMB enum
Start@Ch1R0n1n: SMB Enumeration.mp4 (21:35)
Start@Ch1R0n1n: SMB Enumeration.ppt
StartFTP Enumeration.MP4 (23:31)
StartFTP Enumeration
StartFTP Enumeration.ppt
StartSNMP enum
StartNFS enum
StartTelnet enum
StartSSH enum
StartEnumeration cheat sheet
StartGetting a foothold- The puzzle pieces fall in place - Video (12:29)
StartGetting a foothold- The puzzle pieces fall in place
StartQuiz: 0x05 Enum
StartAssignment: - Foothold
StartAssignment: - Foothold - Solutions
StartLinux priv-esc (33:16)
StartLinux priv esc PPTX
StartLinux priv esc Article
StartLinux priv esc Ex 1 MP4 (12:04)
StartLinux priv esc Ex 2 MP4 (20:52)
StartQuiz: Privilege escalation [Linux]
StartWindows Priv Esc MP4 (66:43)
StartWindows priv esc Article
StartAssignment: 00x06 Reading the doctor's hidden files
StartAssignment: Linux priv esc
StartIntro (0:35)
StartDashboard + live and passive scans (16:33)
StartBurp Suite Dashboard.pdf
Start03 Target tab.mp4 (4:48)
StartTarget tab
StartProxy tab (10:11)
StartBurp suite Proxy .pdf
Start05 Intruder.mp4 (9:58)
Start06 Repeater.mp4 (5:00)
Start07 Sequencer.mp4 (3:46)
Start08 Decoder.mp4 (2:57)
Start09 comparer.mp4 (1:48)
Start10 Market place (Plugins) + more.mp4 (2:53)
StartBurp Suite Extender
StartBurp collaborator
StartBurp Authorize
StartBurp Match and replace
StartBurp Suite Content discovery
StartBurp suite Top 5 Professional extensions
StartTesting mobile applications with burp suite
StartBurp suite How to use burp to look for SQLi
StartQuiz : Burpsuite
StartASSIGNMENT: Get to know burp suite community edition
Start00x09 ASSIGNMENT - SOLUTION: Let's engage with burp suite free
StartIDOR Exp (15:57)
StartIDOR - Slides.pdf
Startidors_-what-are-they-and-how-do-you-look-for-them (11:45)
Startdon-t-test-for-idor-s-manually-autorize-is-so-much-faster (6:25)
Start5-ways-to-test-for-idor-demonstrated (9:51)
Startdid-you-know-you-can-chain-idors (5:47)
StartQuiz: IDOR
StartLabs IDOR
Startbusiness-logic-vulnerabilities (5:16)
Startbusiness-logic-flaws_-you-should-probably-look-into-this (15:55)
StartBusiness_logic_flaws - full text.pdf
StartBusiness logic flaws - Powerpoint
Startfull-business-logic-flaws (21:28)
StartLabs Logic errors
StartQuiz : Business Logic
Startultimate-xss-guide (27:45)
StartXSS - Ultimate beginner guide.pdf
StartTesting for reflected XSS.pdf
StartTesting for stored XSS.pdf
Startadvanced-xss-techniques (17:28)
StartXSS - Advanced techniques.pdf
Startwaf-bypass-techniques (21:14)
StartLabs: XSS
Start0-intro (2:11)
Start1-what-are-sqli (2:59)
Start2-detecting-sqli (5:13)
Start3-types-of-sqli (10:26)
Start4-boolean-based-sqli (6:47)
Start5-sqlmap (3:19)
Start6-references-amp-exercises (3:50)
Start1-portswigger-simple-login-bypass (2:59)
Start2-union-based-sqli-to-rce (9:00)
Start3-mssql-injection-to-rce (7:47)
Start4-waf-bypasses (1:57)
Start5-sqli-waf-bypass (17:02)
Start6-sqli-xss-and-xxe-all-in-one-payload (20:39)
StartNuclei template cheat sheet
Startvulnerability scanning
StartNuclei scanning
StartBroad Scope Methodology.png
Startquickly-identify-a-target-from-a-list-of-thousands-of-dns-records-multi-domain-r (3:18)
Startexploit-db-examples (3:15)
Startyou-are-probably-doing-directory-brute-forcing-wrong-here-s-why (5:43)
StartQuiz: Creating nuclei templates
StartPostman - Theory (17:06)
StartAPI hacking with postman Part 1 - getting the basics down (20:57)
StartAPI hacking with postman Part 2 - importing the API description (3:33)
StartAPI hacking with postman Part 3 Pre-request scripts, tests and console (11:01)
StartAPI hacking with postman Part 4 - Getting dirty with data sources (8:03)
Startpostman lab - Tiredful API.pdf
StartAPI Broken Access Control Through Replacing HTTP Method (5:14)
StartAPI hacking by Chaining postman into burp suite (8:15)
StartAPI0 2019 What is an API?
StartAPI1 2019 Broken Object Level Authorization
StartAPI2 2019 Broken User Authentication
StartAPI3 2019 Excessive Data Exposure
StartAPI4 2019 Lack of rate limiting
StartAPI5 2019 Broken Function Level Authorization
StartAPI6 2019 Mass Assignment
StartAPI7 2019 Security Misconfiguration
StartAPI8 2019 Injection
StartAPI9 2019 Improper Assets Management
StartAPI top 10 - 0 through 3 (28:57)
StartOWASP API TOP 10 - 4 to 7 (31:47)
StartAPI8-2019 Injection (9:41)
StartAPI9-2019 improper asset management (7:16)
StartOWASP API top 10 - 10 insufficient logging and monitoring (1:31)
StartOWASP M1.2016 improper platform usage (5:24)
StartOWASP M2.2016 - insecure data storage (1:28)
StartOWASP M3.2016 Insecure communication (2:07)
StartOWASP M4.2016 Insecure authentication (3:38)
StartOWASP M5 Insufficient cryptography (2:22)
StartOWASP M6. Insecure authorization (3:07)
StartOWASP M7. bad code quality (5:35)
StartOWASP M8. Code tampering (2:36)
StartOWASP M9 Reverse engineering (2:33)
StartOWASP M10. Extranous functionality (1:56)
StartEthical hacking guide A-Z_FR_V1.1_Chap_1.docx
StartEthical hacking guide A-Z_FR_V1.1_Chap_2.docx
StartEthical hacking guide A-Z_FR_V1.1_Chap_3.docx
StartEthical hacking guide A-Z_FR_V1.1_Chap_4.docx
StartEthical hacking guide A-Z_FR_V1.1_Chap_5.docx
StartEthical hacking guide A-Z_FR_V1.1_Chap_6.docx