Cisco CCNP GNS3 Labs: Pass your CCNP exams with GNS3!
Are you ready to pass your CCNP exams? Check your knowledge of 300-101 ROUTE, 300-115 SWITCH & 300-135 TSHOOT Exams!
This is a free GNS3 CCNP Labs course. The course helps you prepare for the following Cisco exams:
NOTE: I am adding more content to the course, so expect it to grow.
This course covers topics in the following Cisco exams:
1) 300-101 ROUTE Exam
2) 300-115 SWITCH Exam
3) 300-135 TSHOOT Exam
The course contains downloadable GNS3 project files which you can import into GNS3 and try yourself.
Note: You will need your own Cisco IOS images to complete labs yourself.
All the best!
David Bombal
Your Instructor
David Bombal (CCIE #11023 Emeritus) passed his Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert Routing and Switching exam in January 2003. David has the highest rated and most popular course in the GNS3 Academy: SDN and OpenFlow Introduction.
David's software tools and training have been downloaded +100,000 times. Many thousands of engineers like you use his tools and training on a regular basis.
David has developed over 20 courses for HP which are used worldwide. These include multiple SDN courses and HP ASE certification courses (4 day Instructor led training).
David's YouTube videos have been viewed +2 million times.
David has been training Cisco and networking courses for 15+ years and has delivered instructor led courses in various countries around the world covering a wide range of Cisco topics from CCNA to CCIE.
He has also personally developed Cisco engineer utilities such as the VPN Config Generator, software, training materials, EBooks, videos and other products which are used throughout the world.
Course Curriculum
StartGNS3 2.1 Install and configuration on Windows 10 (Part 1) Components and software requirements (3:32)
StartGNS3 2.1 Install and configuration on Windows 10 (Part 2) GUI install (11:47)
StartGNS3 is broken! What do I do Troubleshooting GNS3 installation issues Windows 10 (Part 3) (4:37)
StartGNS3 2.1 Install and configuration on Windows 10 (Part 4) Basic GNS3 Network (your first network) (9:50)
StartGNS3 2.1 Install and configuration on Windows 10 (Part 5) Where do I get Cisco IOS images (7:55)
StartGNS3 2.1 Install and configuration on Windows 10 (Part 6) Cisco IOS network using Dynamips (12:13)
StartGNS3 2.1 Install and configuration on Windows 10 (Part 7) GNS3 VM, VIRL and switching (8:29)
StartGNS3 2.1 Install and configuration on Windows 10 (Part 8) GNS3 VM, VMware 14 issues (11:55)
StartGNS3 2.1 Install and configuration on Windows 10 (Part 9) Cisco VIRL IOSv import into GNS3 (11:23)
StartGNS3 2.1 Install and configuration on Windows 10 (Part 10) Cisco VIRL and Dynamips network! (7:47)